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Parashat #Terumah

For your eyes only

How do you cope when you sense that someone is staring at you? OK, it might depend on who is staring, you might be feeling low and welcome the attention.  Most of us have experienced that unnerving moment when we feel all eyes are looking in our direction. We quickly turn around to try an identify the cause of our unease often making the problem worse when we can’t find that cause. But eyes, our own or others are a help more than  a hindrance.

So what can eyes tell us when our lips are still? The science of body language tells us that when a person looks upwards they are often thinking. If they happen to be delivering a speech looking up indicates an attempt to recall their prepared words.

Looking down may be a sign of submission but It can also indicate that the person is feeling guilty.

In many cultures where eye contact is a rude or dominant signal, people will look down when talking with others in order to show respect. Looking at a person acknowledges them and shows that you are interested in them, particularly if you look in their eyes.

Looking at a person’s eyes also lets you know where they are looking. Breaking eye contact can indicate that something that has just been said makes the person feel threatened. This week Moses gets busy constructing the Mishkan the Tabernacle. This would be a house for G-d. A place of prayer and worship. The two Cherubs, Keruvim placed on top of the Ark were positioned facing each other, their eyes locked on each other permanently. What message did  their eye contact have?

The Israelites were a  young nation, discovering their identity and beginning to figure out their relationship with God. They were insecure and needed God’s reassurance and guidance. Hence, the Keruvim looked at each other, like a newly wed married couple they only had eyes for each other. One of the ugliest scenes is when a couple on a date talk through each other. Both are looking around to see if someone better is walking in. These two cherubs remind us that relationships   begin when we are confident to look the other person in the eyes. This week use your eyes to create more positive relationships.


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